Friday, December 4, 2009
The Character of Those Who May Dwell with the Lord
1. Lord, who may abide in your tabernacle?
who may dwell in your holy hill?
2. He who walks uprightly,
And works righteousness,
And speaks the truth in his heart;
3. He who does not backbite with his tongue,
nor does he take reproach against a friend;
4. In whose eyes a vile person is despised,
But he honours those who fear the Lord;
He who swears to his own hurt and does not change;
5. He who does not put out his money at usury,
Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things shall never be moved.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The praise and worship team sang a song by Bishop Paul S. Morton. I hope you will enjoy this song as much as I did and I pray that it will bless you ad bring you to that place.
No matter What you are going through just praise God. Comes what may.. Just remember that there is always someone worst of than you...In your down times God says you should rejoice.. Just for being alive and being able to function as a normal Human being you should Bow down and worship Him ..... This song is now one of my favourite songs hearing this song takes me to a whole new level of worship.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Lord's Supper
As most of us Christians know, the Lord's supper is where we partake of the body of Christ in remembrance of him . We drink wine which represents his blood and eat bread which represents his body.
In 1 Corinthians 11 the Bible tells us in detail about the Lord's Supper.
1 Corinthians 11:24 states "Take, eat; this is my body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of me." It goes on to verse 25 that says "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me". This means as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till he comes. We chose the narrow way which comes with many persecution and attacks from the enemy to achieve our ultimate goal which is to enter into the kingdom of heaven.
(Michael English and the Gaither Vocal Band)
Verses 27-29 states that whoever drinks of this cup and eats of this bread in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord and as a result eats and drinks judgement to himself, not discerning the Lord's Body. Therefore you should examine yourself and repent of your sins both known and unknown, big or small; after which you can partake of the supper.
Often times we as believers take the Lord's supper in an unworthy manner, we carry the burden of unforgiven sins and unclean and impure vessels. The word of God says in verse 30 of the above text "For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.
We as Christians MUST ensure that we are clean, pure and holy before the lord, because God is holy and we are striving to be like him, we too must be holy. Therefore if we are to partake of his body and blood we must be like him and go through everything he went through. We cannot serve the Lord and serve him half way we MUST go all out for him. Become Sold out for Jesus.
Leviticus 19 vs 2 says " Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say to them: 'You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am Holy"
Romans 12 vs 1-2 States "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
And do not be conformed of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God".
Therefore my loyal readers it is important to God for us be holy,pure and clean vessels because if we are unclean he will not use us neither will he work through us. So lets face the facts if we cannot take the Lord's supper we cannot go to Heaven because they both require us to be holy,pure and clean vessels. The fact of the matter is Jesus can appear anytime at any time jesus can return are you ready will you be ready ................................
Micheal English, a great singer, one of my favourites.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
My utmost for his Highest
Psalm 37:5
Love phrase of the day
I Love living ,
I enjoy the art of living
Thursday, September 24, 2009
is like a cheerful song......
It makes the good days better,
And it helps when things go wrong.
The Lord is my strength and my shield;in him my heart trust; so I am helped, and my heart exalts, and with my song I give thanks to him. - Psalm 28:7
Today a song in the heart will put a smile on the face and so will calling on a friend.
Helen Steiner Rice
Special thoughts of gratitude
To be able to practice for things everywhere under heaven constitutes perfect virtue.......
gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.
Sin no more
The Good Works of righteous people will not save them if they turn to sin, nor will the sins of evil people destroy them if they repent and turn from their sins.
Ezekiel 33:12
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Special thoughts of Gratitude
Oh Lord, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name.
2 Samuel 22:50
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Save a life by Shaggy and Friends
Shaggy and Friends raise $27m for children's hospital
Published: Friday | January 9, 2009
Krista Henry, Staff Reporter
Entertainer Orville 'Shaggy' Burrell hugs Dr Lisa-Ann Berry-McDowell at a press conference at the Bustamante Hospital for Children in St Andrew yesterday, while other staff members await their embrace. - photos by Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
As Dr Lambert Innis, head of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at the Bustamante Hospital for Children, approached the microphone to address the media gathered at the hospital yesterday, Orville 'Shaggy' Burrell shouted from the back of the room, "Give him something to stand on!"
The diminutive doctor, dressed in a white coat with a stethoscope around his neck, replied with glee, "Today, I am tall enough."
Standing just over five feet tall, Innis' pride was mountain high as he shared the moment with Burrell, who announced that his benefit concert at Jamaica House last Saturday had raised $27 million for the ailing hospital.
Among other things, the money will be used to buy life-saving equipment such as ventilators.
While the money raised may be a long way from the goal of US$2 million (J$160 million), Shaggy said it has assisted in making a "dent" in the needs of the hospital. Equally important, he added, was the awareness the concert created.
According to Shaggy, 290 silver tickets were sold at $5,000 each, 961 gold tickets at $10,000 each, 201 platinum tickets at $20,000 each, and 22 children's tickets at $2,500 each for the highly successful concert.
An auction, which was held before the concert, raised $1.5 million, while the overall cost of producing the event was $8 million. Shaggy also made special mention of Coca-Cola, which pledged $2 million directly to the hospital and gave another $1 million for the production of the concert.
Shaggy also stressed that pledges were still outstanding from various organisations, as well as from persons locally and internationally, to the Shaggy Make A Difference Foundation.
Innis said thousands of children's lives will be transformed by the work that Burrell has done.
Inspiration for living
And no one understands, try placing your cares
In God's hands.
Into your Hands I commend my spirit. Psalm 31:5
Today concentrate on being optimistic, not pessimistic.
I am blessed by Mr Vegas
Friday, August 21, 2009
Inspiration for living
Friday, July 31, 2009
Love Phrase of the Day
Its breath, depth and height cannot be imagined,
yet it is small enough to live comfortably in a mustard seed.
Maya Angelou
What to Bring to The Wedding
and i t should not be entered into lightly.
You are to be christ to your spouse -
no small matter! Pray to be just like Jesus.
"Each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband"
Ephesians 5:33
One minute devotion, living water for those who thirst .
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Love Phrase of the Day
I do not know any people who live without love.
I do not know if we can .
We may not see it but it surrounds us like air.
Maya Angelou
Real Life
Do you thirst? Drink God's water of life.
Are you Hungry? Pull up to His Banquet
table and feast on His goodness.
There you wil find Real Life.
"The Water I give them takes away thirst altogether. It becomes a perpetual Spring within them, Giving them eternal Life" John 4:14
One minute Devotions- Living Water for those who thirst.
Hard Work and Determination, with God must pay off
We as christians are faced with similar situations in our spiritual journey and life ..... there are hurdles that seem almost impossible to get over but with God we can and most of the time we do. With God all things are possible, Phillipians 4:13 states that "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me". Never think that it is impossible, just pray and be of good courage. No matter how hard things are, always remember there is always someone in the world who is worst off than you are. Once there is life all things are achievable. Never give up Never Give in .......Die trying !!!!!!!!!! REMEMBER GOD HAVE YUH BACK.......
Friday, July 10, 2009
Lets see who is The TRUE AND LIVING KING

The king of souls .........DEAD.

The king of Pop......DEAD .

KING OF KINGS ......not dead but ..........ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009
I thank You for my being able to see
and to hear this morning.
I'm blessed because You are
a forgiving God and
an understanding God.
You have done so much for me
and You keep on blessing me.
Forgive me this day for everything
I have done, said or thought
that was not pleasing to you.
I ask now for Your forgiveness..
Please keep me safe
from all danger and harm.
Help me to start this day
with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude.
Let me make the best of each and every
to clear my mind so that I can hear from You.
Please broaden my mind
that I can accept all things.
Let me not whine and whimper
over things I have no control over.
And give me the best response
when I'm pushed beyond my limits.
I know that when I can't pray,
You listen to my heart.
Continue to use me to do Your will.
Continue to bless me that I may
a blessing to others.
Keep me strong that I may help the weak...
Keep me uplifted that I may have
words of encouragement for others.
I pray for those that are lost
and can't find their way.
I pray for those that are misjudged
and misunderstood.
I pray for those who
don't know You intimately.
I pray for those that will delete this
without sharing it with others
I pray for those that don't believe.
But I thank You that I believe
that God changes people and
God changes
I pray for all my sisters and brothers.
For each and every family member
in their households.
I pray for peace, love and joy
in their homes; that they are out of debt
and all their needs are met.
I pray that every eye that reads this
knows there is no problem, circumstance,
or situation greater than God.
Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight.
I pray that these words be received
into the hearts of every eye that sees it
in Jesus' name. Amen!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
An Open Line
God is listening he is always available
to hear your prayers.
But He can't listen if we don't talk!
Draw near to Him today.
"We have a great High Priest who has gone to heaven, Jesus the Son of God. Let us cling to him and never stop trusting him and never stop trusting him" Hebrews 4:14
One-Minute Devotions , Living Waters for those who thirst
Thursday, May 28, 2009
On God's Payroll
He could do it in any number of ways,
but he has chosen to bestow on us
the awesome privilege of telling others about him.
You are an important part of God's workforce!
"We are Christ's Ambassadors, and God is using us to speak to you" 2 Corinthians 5:20
One- minute Devotion, Living Water for those who thirst.
To be on God's payroll as an ambassador for him we have to continue to live for him without turning back.
Love phrase of the day
where I am in relation
to where you are.
I must know
where I am
when I am without you.
Patois Thursdays.
Original: Trench Town Shock
By: Valerie Bloom
Waia, Miss May, trouble dey yah,
Ban yuh belly, Missis, do.
Mi Ha' one terrible piece o' news
An mi sarry fi sey it consarn yuh.
Yuh know yuh secon' or t'ird cousin?
Yuh great-aunt Edith Fred?
Im pick up imse'f gawn a pickcha show,
An police shoot im dead.
But a di bwoy own fault yah mah,
For im go out o' in way
Fi gawn fas' wid police-man,
At leas' a soh dem sey.
Dem sey im a creep oba di teata fence,
Dem halla 'who go deh?'
De bwoy dis chap one bad wud mah,
At leas' a soh dem sey.
De police sey 'tap or we opin fiah'.
But yuh know ow di bwoy stay,
Im gallop back come attack dem,
At leas' a soh dem sey.
Still, nutten woulda come from ee,
But what yuh tink, Miss May?
Di bwoy no pull out lang knife mah!
At leas' a soh dem sey.
Dem try fi aim afta im foot
But im head get een di way,
Di bullit go 'traight through im brain,
At leas' a soh dem sey.
Dry yuh yeye, mah, mi know ee hat,
But ee happen ebery day,
Knife-man always attack armed police
At leas' a soh dem sey
About Valerie Bloom
Valerie was born and grew up in Clarendon, Jamaica. Caribbean life and culture have shaped or influenced a great deal of her writing.
Valerie moved to England in 1979. Here she began writing and performing regularly, having tried her hand as a librarian, arts officer and even steel band instructor! Her work has been published in over 200 anthologies, including GCSE and A-Level syllabi. She has several poetry books and two novels for young people, 'Surprising Joy' and 'The Tribe', which was published in 2007.
As well as running writing workshops and courses in schools and elsewhere, Valerie performs across the country and internationally; she has appeared everywhere from local libraries to the Royal Albert Hall. She is also a familiar voice on television and radio - she recently produced a three part documentary, 'Island Voices' for BBC Radio 4.
Valerie lives with her family in Kent, and is inspired by everything around her, from the late September sunshine to the antics of her husband and children.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Love phrase of the day
reaches hearts and lives,
Connecting distant members
over miles and time through memories.
Inspired by Maya Angelou
Gratitude Attitude
to whom do you turn first?
God wants to be the top of your list.
Come to Him with an attitude of thanksgiving,
knowing that He will answer.
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done ( Philippians 4:6)
One- minute Devotions, Living Water for those who thirst.
Monday, May 4, 2009
De Jamaican Pilot
board their
Air Jamaica flight to the UK . The flight crew are now
about to
board, with the Co-pilot arriving. He is impeccably dressed
in his uniform,
wearing dark glasses and with a white cane finding his way
to the
gate. The airline flight attendants explain to the
passengers, that
although he is blind, he is one of the best co-pilots in
company. A few moments later, the Pilot arrives. He
too is impeccably dressed in his uniform, dark glasses
and a white cane, and he is being assisted by two
flight attendants. The Representative in charge at the
waiting area assures the passengers that
although the Pilot is blind, he is the best pilot in
the company, and together with the Co-pilot, they are the
most experienced team in the cockpit.
With everyone on board, the plane is now ready to take
to the runway, ready to take its turn. Now on the
runway, the Air Jamaica flight increases its
speed ready for take off...more and more the speed is
increasing. Still continuing down the runway the plane does
not take
off; it continues to run but stays on the ground.
By this time the passengers are terrified as they all
realize that the end of the runway is getting
closer and closer, and in an explosion of general
hysteria, all of the passengers start screaming
as if they are possessed. At that very moment the
plane miraculously
lifts off..
The Pilot calmly turns to the Co-pilot and says:
"Any day de passenger dem no scream....we salt to
Dry-Foot Bwoy, by Miss Lou
Wha wrong wid Mary dry-foot bwoy?
Dem gal got him fi mock,
An when me meet him tarra night
De bwoy gi me a shock!
Me tell him seh him auntie an
Him cousin dem sen howdy
An ask him how him getting awn.
Him seh, 'Oh, jolley,jolleyl'
Me start fi feel so sorry fi
De po bad-lucky soul,
Me tink him come a foreign lan
Come ketch bad foreign cole!
Me tink him got a bad sore-troat,
But as him chat-chat gwan
Me fine out seh is foreign twang
De bwoy wasa put awn!
For me notice dat him answer
To nearly all me seh
Was 'Actually', 'What', 'Oh deah!'
An all dem sinting deh.
Me gi a joker de gal dem laugh;
But hear de bwoy, 'Haw-haw!
I'm sure you got that bally-dash
Out of the cinema!'
Same time me laas me temper, an
Me holler, 'Bwoy, kirout!
No chat to me wid no hot pittata
Eena yuh mout!'
Him tan up like him stunted, den
Hear him no, 'How siiley!
I don't think that I really
Understand you, actually.'
Me seh, 'Yuh understan me, yaw!
No yuh name Cudjoe Scoop?
Always visit Nana kitchen an
Gi laugh fi gungoo soup!
'An now all yuh can seh is "actually"?
Bwoy, but tap!
Wha happen to dem sweet Jamaica
joke yuh use fi pop?'
Him get bex and walk tru de door,
Him head eena de air;
De gal-dem bawl out affa him,
'Not going? What! Oh deah!'
An from dat night till tedeh, mah,
Dem all got him fi mock.
Miss Mary dry-foot bwoy!
Cyaan get over de shock!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
I bind the spirit of fear in my life, in the name if Jesus.
Every power behind every activity of fears in my life, receive the wrath of God and be consumed in it, in the name of Jesus.
Everything I have feared will not come upon me in Jesus' name.
Everything I was afraid of will not come to me,in Jesus' name.
The local wickedness I have ever keen afraid of will not have a hold on me, in the name of Jesus.
The evil obtainable in my family background will not have a hold on me in Jesus name.
The evil everybody dreads in my family will not locate me in the name of Jesus.
The failure and dissapointment in marriage will not manifest in my marriage , in the name of Jesus.
The financial failure and embarassment I have ever feared will not befall me in the name of Jesus.
The fear of not being spiritually fulfilled will not germinate in my life ,in the name of Jesus.
The fear of backsliding I have nursed or nurtured up in my life will not come up on me , in the name of Jesus.
Let the fear of being being ministerially stunted get out of my vision , in the name of Jesus.
Let the fear of committing inpardonable sin be washed out of me by the blood of Jesus.
Let the fear of not being able to overcome any weakness in me dry to its roots, in the name of Jesus.
These are just a few confessions commanding fear out of our lives. We should all try to get the demon of fear out of our lives for good. These are just a few lines from PRAYER RAIN BY DR D.K. OLUKOYA

Love phrase of the day
beacause it sounds closest
to the human voice .
And the human voice
is my favourite instrument.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Me glad fi see yuh come back, bwoy,
Yuh mean yuh go dah Merica
Bwoy, yuh no shame? Is so yuh come?
An yuh sister what work ongle
Bwoy, yuh couldn improve yuhself!
Not even a drapes trousiz, or
Suppose me laas me pass go introjooce
Dem hooda laugh after me, bwoy!
No back-answer me, bwoy - yuh talk
Love phrase of the day
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The reason for the easter season
The book of Psalm
The book of Psalm is a very interesting book, it varies from very long chapters to just really short ones. How many of us knew that there is a chapter for almost every mood, feeling and situation. Today in this post I will just name a few.
Praise Psalm -Psalm 33:1-22
Psalm 103:1-22
History Psalm- Psalm 68:1-35
Psalm 106:1-48
Friendship Psalm- Psalm 8:1-9
Psalm 23:1-6
Anger Psalm- Psalm 35:1-28
Psalm 137:1-9
Confession Psalm- Psalm 32:1-11, Psalm 51:1-19
Jesus Psalm- Psalm 22:1-31
Psalm 89:1-52
Worship Psalm- Psalm 30:1-12
Psalm 122:1-9
I think we should all spend some time reading these psalms and try to find more that fits other situations.. May the lord bless you and keep you and cause his face to shine upon you. Have a blessed day!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Cuss Cuss
Gwan gal yuh fava teggereg,
Ah wey yuh gwine goh do?
Yuh an yuh boogooyagga fren
Dem tink me fraid o' yuh?
Goh wey, yuh fava heng-pon-nail,
Is me yuh want fe trace?
Me is jus de one fi teck me han
An leggo pon yuh face.
Fe me han noh jine chuch an me naw
Pay licen fe me mout',
Me wi tell yuh bout yuh--se yah
Gal noh badda get me out.
Me noh know is wat kine o' chu'ch
Fe yuh mout' coulda jine,
Yuh lip dem heng dung lacka wen
Mule kean meck up him mine.
Gwan, me an yuh noh combolo,
Yuh foot shapeless an lang
Like smaddy stan far fiing dem awn
An meck dem heng awn wrang.
Fe yuh foot fava capital K,
Koo pon yuh two nose-hole!
Dem dis big an open out like
Miss Tane outsize fish bowl.
Goh wey, yuh kean bwile sof egg
But still yuh want get ring,
Noh man na gwine fe married yuh
Wen yuh kean do a ting.
Is grudge yuh grudgeful, me kean cook
But me ben goh dah good school,
Me got intelligency yuh
Illiterated fool !
Me sorry fe de man yuh get
De po' ting hooden nyam
When you ackebus him salt-fish
An bwilivous him yam.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
A Jamaican easter.....interpretation ....FOOD.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Love phrase of the day
"I Love You."
There is an African saying which is:
Be careful when a naked person offers you shirt.
Maya Angelou
The Holy Communion
Accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour is something all human beings should do. God sent his only son to die on the cross so that we may live. He payed the price for us and all we need to give in return is our life. Confessing that Jesus is Lord and saviour of our life is the first step to accepting him. Confessing your sins and inviting him in you heart to dwell with you is the best thing you will ever do in your life time.... You have nothing to lose when taking this step......Take it from me =)
The beatitudes

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Love phrase of the day

Sun a shine but tings no bright;
Doah pot a bwile, bickle no nuff;
River flood but water scarce, yawl
Rain a fall but dutty tough.
Tings so bad dat nowadays when
Yuh ask smaddy how dem do
Dem fraid yuh tek it tell dem back,
So dem no answer yuh.
No care omuch we dah work fa
Hard-time still een we shut;
We dah fight, Hard-time a beat we,
Dem might raise we wages, but
One poun gawn awn pon we pay, an
We no feel no merriment
For ten poun gawn pon we food
An ten pound pon we rent!
Saltfish gawn up, mackerel gawn up.
Pork en beef gawn up,
An when rice and butter ready
Dem just go pon holiday!
Claht, boot, pin an needle gawn up'
Ice, bread, taxes, water-rate
Kersene ile, gasolene, gawn up;
An de poun devaluate.
De price of bread gawn up so high
Dat we haffi agree
Fi cut we yeye pon bred an all
Tun dumplin refugee
An all dem marga smaddy weh
Dah gwan like fat is sin
All dem-deh weh dah fas wid me
Ah lef dem to dumpling!
Sun a shine an pot a bwile, but
Things no bright, bickle no nuff
Rain a fall, river dah flood, but,
Water scarce and dutty tough
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Love phrase of the day
in your ear
and Love
in your heart.
Be ready....
Here comes
Maya Angelou
Operate with the spirit of BOLDNESS and not of fear!!!
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frighten us. We may sometimes ask ourselves "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and Fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God: your playing small doesn't serve the world. We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us; it is in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsiously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others. So why live in fear when taking on a spirit of courage and boldness bring so much good things. It matters not how hard life may be and how hard it is to get by.... IT IS ALWAYS EASY TO TRUST IN GOD. So as we go about our daily lives each day and new challenges and problems arise. Problems that "seem" too big for us to handle, just say this little verse "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" (Hebrews 13:6). Say this little verse every morning as you rise from you slumber and empower yourself in Jesus' name. Remeber through christ we can do all things !!!!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Bredda Lion had a new bad habit that he felt was his right an privilege, being the most feared in the village. He developed the biggest belch in the whole village. Every time he ate and went to sleep at night, he would belch really loud all night and wake up the rest of the village.
Anancy loved to sleep. Next to food sleep was the next thing he loved in the whole world. Since Lion had developed this habit he has not gotten one night's sleep. Last night was the worst. Lion had belched every hour on the hour, since 8 pm that night. Anancy’s eyes were blood shot red and he was angry.
He visited Bredda Rabbit and Bredda Snake to see how they were holding up. "Bredda Rabbit, how yuh doing man?" asked Anancy, as he approached Bredda Rabbit outside his home.
"Mi doing just fine." replied Bredda Rabbit.
"Yuh getting any sleep since Lion start dem big belchin?" asked Bredda Anancy.
"Yeah man, nuff sleep since mi buy dem ear muffs whey Bredda Snake tell me bout down a shop." he replied.
"Ear muffs!" Anancy exclamated.
"Yes dem block out every sound, whey yuh nuh go buy some?" Bredda Rabbit explained.
"Is true." Anancy replied.
So he set off down to Mr. Lee's shop and bought him some ear muffs.
That night around 7:45 pm he put on the ear muffs and went to bed.A large "Buuuurrrrrrrrrrp" sound awoke Anancy.
"But wait," he thought to himself "dem ear muffs nah work." You see, his spider senses were just as sensitive as his ears and could pick up the sound. The others in the village did not have this type of sense so the earmuff worked for them. So again Anancy had a sleepless night.
The next morning he was very angry. He was so angry he walked over to Bredda Lion’s home to talk to him.
Anancy pleaded "Bredda Lion, Mi a beg yuh please stop de all nite belching. Mi cyaan get nuh sleep a nite."
"Yuh mad Anancy? A mi run tings in dis village, an mi will stop when mi feel like." Bredda Lion replied.
"But how yuh so bad mind. Nobady cyaan sleep wid all dat noise yuh a mek." said Anancy.
"Is ongle yuh cyaan sleep. No one else is complaining." replied Bredda Lion.
Anancy was getting really upset.
"Mind yuh belch out all the food you eat for the day while you sleeping." Anancy said in anger.
"Nuh mek me dead wid laff. Mi neva hear nuttin go suh before in my life. Gwan yuh way, Anancy" Bredda Lion replied with a big smile.
At that very moment Anancy had a plan. He secretly started to follow Bredda Lion for the whole day, watching what he was eating. He took a big bag with some containers with him. Every meal that Bredda Lion had, he collected some of the same thing in a container.
That night at 8:00pm, Bredda Anancy snuck into Bredda Lion's house under the bed. He waited to hear the first burp.
He snuck from under the bed and quietly placed a mixture of all the meals beside Bredda Lion’s mouth.
Bredda Lion had a sensitive nose. The smell of the food mixture awoke him. He jumped out of the bed and screamed, "Lawd have mercy, all de food me eat come right back up. Whey me ago do? If this continue me will not be able to full mi stomach. I know what I will do. I will eat this mixture." So he ate the food and went back to sleep.
" Buuurrrp"
Again Anancy put some more food by his mouth. And again Lion woke up and ate the food.
This continued four times. On the fourth time he put food by his mouth, Anancy snuck out of Bredda Lion’s bedroom window. He crawled under the cellar to listen.
Bredda Lion ate the food but this time did not go back to sleep.
"Lawd mi belly a hat mi. Mi nuh know ef I can continue this belching business, cah mi cyaan sleep." Bredda Lion whispered under his breath. He had eaten so much food that he was in pain. He was unable to go back to sleep.
Anancy smiled and walked back home.
This is why lions eat big meals but less frequently. Jack Mandora, mi tell yuh no lie.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Love phrase of the day
PATOIS THURSDAYS.....Jamaican poems, stories and phrases
Mout-amassi - Louise Bennett
Mout-amassi Liza, yuh no
Hear yuh mumma dah call yuh?
Meck yuh mout so galang plang?
Hear yuh mumma duh call yuh!
Yuh mout so fly, yuh mils tell lie.
So member seh me dah warn yuh:
Liza, kibba yuh mout!
De way people wash dem mout pon yuh
Yuh naw go strive, missis;
Far everywhe yuh tun yuh hear
Seh Liza do dat an dis.
Yuh hear dat Liza chat to much,
Yuh hear dat Liza seh,
Yuh hear seh dat is Liza meck
Mass Tom black puss run weh.
Liza, kibba yuh mout!
Yuh meck Miss hlattie husban put
Har sinting outa door,
Yuh meck Sam do fi purpose
An hat up Jem sore toe.
Yuh can gwan chat, but doan figat
Yuh gwine reap what yuh sow.
Liza, kibba yuh mout!
Counta yuh, Dan set him grampa
Duppy pon Sta Rose,
An counta yuh Jane teck grudgeful
An pwile up Fan new clothes;
De way yuh chat yuh meck Jinat
Go obeah Laura nose.
Liza, kibba yuh mout!
Yuh meck dem lock up Tayma fi
So sen her bwoy a school;
Yuh meck dem lock up Geral,
an It tun him mumma fool!
Yuh meck dem bring up Dora,
seh She overwork her mule.
Liza, kibba yuh mout!
Dem mussa put yuh so, missis-
Is weh yuh dah go do?
From me bawn me never see
Nobody chat lacka yuh.
Me hear Miss Della she dah swear
Fi tun yuh mout backa yuh.
Liza Kiba yuh mout!
Interpretation of the poem:
"Mout -amassi" is basically about a girl name Liza who cannot seem to keep her mouth shut. Chatter is the order of her day and anything that happens she informs. She is disgustingly rude and pushes her nose in things that really does not concern her at all.
About Louise Bennett
Louise Bennett was a Jamaican poet and cultural icon. She was born on September 7, 1919, and has been described by many as Jamaica's leading comedienne and the "only poet who has really hit the truth about her society through its own language".
Through her poems in Jamaican patois, she not only raised the dialect of the Jamaican folk to an art level but also captured all the spontaneity of the expression of Jamaicans' joys and sorrows, their ready, poignant and even wicked wit, their religion and their philosophy of life.
Her first dialect poem was written when she was fourteen years old. A British Council Scholarship took her to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, where she studied in the late 1940s. After graduation, she worked with repertory companies in Coventry, Huddersfield and Amersham as well as in intimate revues all over England
In 1974, she was awarded the Order of Jamaica. She also received the Norman Manley Award for Excellence in the arts and a honorary Doctor of Letters degree from the University of West Indies. In 2001, she was made a Member of the Order of Merit for her contribution to the development of Jamaican Arts and Culture. She died on July 26, 2006, in Toronto, Canada.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Love phrase of the day
Maya Angelou
A present help in the time of need......God our Shield and Buckler. .
No one ever said that life would be easy, with enjoyment and pleasure comes alot of challenges, sacrifices and pain. Getting what you want through clean and honest ways is never easy because there is always that person who will step on your head to get where they are going. The system of the world is unfair and so it is important that we go about our daily activities with faith and God. God only requires that we have the faith as small as a mustard seed for us to experience great victories, supernatural turnarounds and miraculous breakthroughs in the midst of great impossibilities (Matthew 17:20). Standing firm on God's words and trusting him even when you are at your lowest point is what God wants us to do.
We must remember that the lord works on his own timing, "he is an on time God". The lord is our refuge and strength a present help in the time of need. We should never come to think that he has forgotten or forsaken us because his words says "Never will I leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). The lord showers us with blessings at the point in our life or turmoil where he knows that we are Really in need of it. By him doing so we will come to have a greater appreciation for the blessings that we recieve, he will work in a way where we can only say "if it had not been for the lord on my side where would I be or what would I do ?". As humans when faced with situations that seem too much for us to handle or too much to bear, after a few tries or even without trying we easily give up. We should persevere and carry on with God. There is nothing too big for God, no situation too big to handle because with God all things are possible. As stated in Luke 18:27 "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God". He will always be there for you. You see, we need to understand how God operates, he is indeed a very jealous God. So if we do not give him what he requires of us, if we go about worshipping other gods and idols then the blessing that is meant for us is delayed and as a result we suffer because of our actions.
We should learn to stand firm on his word, trusting every line, phrase and verse of it. Consult God in everything we do and communicate with him daily just as how we communicate with our friends. Acknowledge him and give him the credit when he comes through for you and even when it seems hopeless and your back is against the wall, you might even ask the question "where is God?" still give him thanks. After all he deserves it he is THE MOST HIGH GOD . God comes through for us by doing things we take for granted, such things are: granting us life each day, giving us the opportunity to function as normal human beings -being able to smell, touch, see, hear and feel. He blesses us with the opportunity to have an impact on other people's life and to just get one more day and chance to make it right with him. These are things alot of people often take for granted, but remember life is not a right but a privilage which can only be granted by The true and living God.
So what should we do when:
- We are at the end of the rope.
- All hope seems lost.
- Our friends turn their backs on us and we have no one to turn to, no where to go.
- We experience massive attacks from the enemy and their plots and plan against us succeed.

"Trust in the lord with all of thine heart and lean not to thy own understanding. In all thine ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path" (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Love phrase of the day
Saturday, February 28, 2009
GOD Deserves the honour....
The calling to serve.....what is your purpose?

In life sometimes we have difficulties realizing our purpose and hence the problem of defining who we are as an individual comes into play. However the bible clearly states that everyone is put here for a purpose and a reason and a purpose. You may ask yourself the question "why am I here, what exactly does God want me to do?" or "How will I get there?" Before we were all formed in our mothers' wombs God knew us and ordained us. As a child growing up, I always said I would become a doctor. For me, that's what I wanted and thats what I was heading for until about my 5th year in high school I realised that things weren't going my way. I felt down and discouraged but I just kept reassuring myself that I needed to try and try until I succeed. I still tell myself this very day that I will do medicine even though I am in my first year of university doing Business. However the mistake I made was not asking myself the question "WHAT IS GOD'S PURPOSE FOR MY LIFE?" This question makes a big difference. Praying each day and asking God to direct your path is something I believe everyone should do.
However, purpose can be categorised in two main groups your Earthly purpose and your Spiritual Purpose. Spiritual Purpose entails spreading the word of God and winning souls for the lord. Your spiritual purpose as an individual does not differ from that of your neighbor. As christians or mere human beings it is our duty to ensure that everyone we come in contact with knows about the mercy, grace, favour and everlasting love of God. We should do everything in our power to ensure that we do what is right. Be a fine example for others to see so they will come to accept Jesus as lord and saviour and to come into christendom and live for him. Set for such a time as this, set for this particular moment purpose has a meaning, it has a definite structure. Not living in vain but with purpose your time is numbered and your days are strategic. You were created for a task only you can accomplish. Without it you are lost living a hopeless life. Without exposure to it you would search desperately for the meaning of life. Without being gifted to complete it you would be useless. Yet it is revealed through so many ways and channels and sometimes you overlook it. It is most times upon you yet you often miss it…………..
We often think our purpose is not what we are good at. We forsake the obvious gifts that we can look at. For a mere simple gift not so unique yet before we were born ……He set us apart. We were predestined by God for a specific calling. Yet we shun what we were made to be and do. We cannot get around it even though we try. I found my Spiritual purpose here on earth my duty is to ensure that all the people I come in contact with know about the goodness of God and the rewards they can achieve when they glorify his name.I was called to serve the lord and his people..doing whatever he wants me to do. WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE ???????? Find it, embrace it and live it to the fullest.
Quick references :
Psalm 20:4 , Ecclesiastes 3:1, Jeremiah 1:5.