No one ever said that life would be easy, with enjoyment and pleasure comes alot of challenges, sacrifices and pain. Getting what you want through clean and honest ways is never easy because there is always that person who will step on your head to get where they are going. The system of the world is unfair and so it is important that we go about our daily activities with faith and God. God only requires that we have the faith as small as a mustard seed for us to experience great victories, supernatural turnarounds and miraculous breakthroughs in the midst of great impossibilities (Matthew 17:20). Standing firm on God's words and trusting him even when you are at your lowest point is what God wants us to do.
We must remember that the lord works on his own timing, "he is an on time God". The lord is our refuge and strength a present help in the time of need. We should never come to think that he has forgotten or forsaken us because his words says "Never will I leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). The lord showers us with blessings at the point in our life or turmoil where he knows that we are Really in need of it. By him doing so we will come to have a greater appreciation for the blessings that we recieve, he will work in a way where we can only say "if it had not been for the lord on my side where would I be or what would I do ?". As humans when faced with situations that seem too much for us to handle or too much to bear, after a few tries or even without trying we easily give up. We should persevere and carry on with God. There is nothing too big for God, no situation too big to handle because with God all things are possible. As stated in Luke 18:27 "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God". He will always be there for you. You see, we need to understand how God operates, he is indeed a very jealous God. So if we do not give him what he requires of us, if we go about worshipping other gods and idols then the blessing that is meant for us is delayed and as a result we suffer because of our actions.
We should learn to stand firm on his word, trusting every line, phrase and verse of it. Consult God in everything we do and communicate with him daily just as how we communicate with our friends. Acknowledge him and give him the credit when he comes through for you and even when it seems hopeless and your back is against the wall, you might even ask the question "where is God?" still give him thanks. After all he deserves it he is THE MOST HIGH GOD . God comes through for us by doing things we take for granted, such things are: granting us life each day, giving us the opportunity to function as normal human beings -being able to smell, touch, see, hear and feel. He blesses us with the opportunity to have an impact on other people's life and to just get one more day and chance to make it right with him. These are things alot of people often take for granted, but remember life is not a right but a privilage which can only be granted by The true and living God.
So what should we do when:
- We are at the end of the rope.
- All hope seems lost.
- Our friends turn their backs on us and we have no one to turn to, no where to go.
- We experience massive attacks from the enemy and their plots and plan against us succeed.

"Trust in the lord with all of thine heart and lean not to thy own understanding. In all thine ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path" (Proverbs 3:5-6).
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