Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
How To Go Live On TikTok and Instagram
Going live on TikTok and Instagram is a great way to get real up close and
personal with your audience. While it seems like doing a live story might
be the...
When, God?
Then I said, “Until when, Lord?” (Isaiah 6:11a) Great question! This
follows some instruction from God after Isaiah commits, “Here I am. Send
me.” God repl...
Finding My Passion as a Voiceover Artist
I've talked about my voiceover work here before, but thought I'd just pop
this up here. It's an interview I just had as part of my favorite podcast, Two
The Garth Brooks Dilemma.
I won’t ever win a humility contest. I don’t know if they have those,
giving someone an award for being humble, probably defeats the purpose of
After every challenge we meet and overcome, we are sure to encounter
another. Our approach to life and it's many hurdles, should evolve,
offering our rece...
A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven
*by Meghan*
A very merry, belated Christmas & a happy new year to you all! By now you
all have heard about the huge transition MOHL is about to take with ...
St. Jude with the grands!
[image: w IMG_9596]
We recently went back to St. Jude for my son Jordan’s six month check up.
[image: pw IMG_0025]
He is the handsome young man...
The End
Four years ago, on August 11th, 2006, Maidens of Worth was launched. In
fact, our 4th blogaversary would be here soon. However, after thinking and
praying ...
O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; For his mercy endureth for ever. 1 Chronicles 16:34
To be able to practice for things everywhere under heaven constitutes perfect virtue....... gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.
As destrutive as the power of sin is, God says it won't destroy you if you turn from it. There is hope and restoration with Jesus!
The Good Works of righteous people will not save them if they turn to sin, nor will the sins of evil people destroy them if they repent and turn from their sins.
Shaggy and Friends raise $27m for children's hospital
Published: Friday | January 9, 2009
Krista Henry, Staff Reporter
Entertainer Orville 'Shaggy' Burrell hugs Dr Lisa-Ann Berry-McDowell at a press conference at the Bustamante Hospital for Children in St Andrew yesterday, while other staff members await their embrace. - photos by Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
As Dr Lambert Innis, head of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at the Bustamante Hospital for Children, approached the microphone to address the media gathered at the hospital yesterday, Orville 'Shaggy' Burrell shouted from the back of the room, "Give him something to stand on!"
The diminutive doctor, dressed in a white coat with a stethoscope around his neck, replied with glee, "Today, I am tall enough."
Standing just over five feet tall, Innis' pride was mountain high as he shared the moment with Burrell, who announced that his benefit concert at Jamaica House last Saturday had raised $27 million for the ailing hospital.
Among other things, the money will be used to buy life-saving equipment such as ventilators.
While the money raised may be a long way from the goal of US$2 million (J$160 million), Shaggy said it has assisted in making a "dent" in the needs of the hospital. Equally important, he added, was the awareness the concert created.
According to Shaggy, 290 silver tickets were sold at $5,000 each, 961 gold tickets at $10,000 each, 201 platinum tickets at $20,000 each, and 22 children's tickets at $2,500 each for the highly successful concert.
An auction, which was held before the concert, raised $1.5 million, while the overall cost of producing the event was $8 million. Shaggy also made special mention of Coca-Cola, which pledged $2 million directly to the hospital and gave another $1 million for the production of the concert.
Shaggy also stressed that pledges were still outstanding from various organisations, as well as from persons locally and internationally, to the Shaggy Make A Difference Foundation.
Innis said thousands of children's lives will be transformed by the work that Burrell has done.
I am a humble Jamaican who believes that Jesus is the only way. I am easy going and a great friend. I always give good advice and will spend hours ministering to people about the good works of God. My ambition is to become a doctor but for now a marketing director and a financial accountant. I was born and raised in Kingston,Jamaica but I study in Geneva,Switzerland. I believe that a part of my purpose here on earth is to spread the word of God and this is one of the ways in which I do so....