I bind the spirit of fear in my life, in the name if Jesus.
Every power behind every activity of fears in my life, receive the wrath of God and be consumed in it, in the name of Jesus.
Everything I have feared will not come upon me in Jesus' name.
Everything I was afraid of will not come to me,in Jesus' name.
The local wickedness I have ever keen afraid of will not have a hold on me, in the name of Jesus.
The evil obtainable in my family background will not have a hold on me in Jesus name.
The evil everybody dreads in my family will not locate me in the name of Jesus.
The failure and dissapointment in marriage will not manifest in my marriage , in the name of Jesus.
The financial failure and embarassment I have ever feared will not befall me in the name of Jesus.
The fear of not being spiritually fulfilled will not germinate in my life ,in the name of Jesus.
The fear of backsliding I have nursed or nurtured up in my life will not come up on me , in the name of Jesus.
Let the fear of being being ministerially stunted get out of my vision , in the name of Jesus.
Let the fear of committing inpardonable sin be washed out of me by the blood of Jesus.
Let the fear of not being able to overcome any weakness in me dry to its roots, in the name of Jesus.
These are just a few confessions commanding fear out of our lives. We should all try to get the demon of fear out of our lives for good. These are just a few lines from PRAYER RAIN BY DR D.K. OLUKOYA