In life sometimes we have difficulties realizing our purpose and hence the problem of defining who we are as an individual comes into play. However the bible clearly states that everyone is put here for a purpose and a reason and a purpose. You may ask yourself the question "why am I here, what exactly does God want me to do?" or "How will I get there?" Before we were all formed in our mothers' wombs God knew us and ordained us. As a child growing up, I always said I would become a doctor. For me, that's what I wanted and thats what I was heading for until about my 5th year in high school I realised that things weren't going my way. I felt down and discouraged but I just kept reassuring myself that I needed to try and try until I succeed. I still tell myself this very day that I will do medicine even though I am in my first year of university doing Business. However the mistake I made was not asking myself the question
"WHAT IS GOD'S PURPOSE FOR MY LIFE?" This question makes a big difference. Praying each day and asking God to direct your path is something I believe everyone should do.
However, purpose can be categorised in two main groups your
Earthly purpose and your
Spiritual Purpose. Spiritual Purpose entails spreading the word of God and winning souls for the lord. Your spiritual purpose as an individual does not differ from that of your neighbor. As christians or mere human beings it is our duty to ensure that everyone we come in contact with knows about the mercy, grace, favour and everlasting love of God. We should do everything in our power to ensure that we do what is right. Be a fine example for others to see so they will come to accept Jesus as lord and saviour and to come into christendom and live for him. Set for such a time as this, set for this particular moment purpose has a meaning, it has a definite structure. Not living in vain but with purpose your time is numbered and your days are strategic. You were created for a task only you can accomplish. Without it you are lost living a hopeless life. Without exposure to it you would search desperately for the meaning of life. Without being gifted to complete it you would be useless. Yet it is revealed through so many ways and channels and sometimes you overlook it. It is most times upon you yet you often miss it…………..
We often think our purpose is not what we are good at. We forsake the obvious gifts that we can look at. For a mere simple gift not so unique yet before we were born ……He set us apart. We were predestined by God for a specific calling. Yet we shun what we were made to be and do. We cannot get around it even though we try
. I found my Spiritual purpose here on earth my duty is to ensure that all the people I come in contact with know about the goodness of God and the rewards they can achieve when they glorify his name.I was called to serve the lord and his people..doing whatever he wants me to do.
WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE ???????? Find it, embrace it and live it to the fullest.Quick references :
Psalm 20:4 , Ecclesiastes 3:1, Jeremiah 1:5.